Following the ICF Synergie Webinar of February, here is a sketchnote on a Coaching Tool I found really interesting for Development Plans conversations. The Webinar was from Carole Doucet, Coach PCC from Quebec (and like for all content from ICF Synergie, the webinar is in French)...
I tested it on myself and later on a client of mine and found great value in it :)

For more information on Carole Doucet, kindly find here the link to her website
I am using Notability as a note taking app, it works well for me, it has just the right amount of features for me to feel free to draw what I want without getting overwhelmed and loosing focus on the story :) Thanks for joining the site!
Great Article! I love the drawings too! Is there an application to create them? Thank you!
I love your drawings! 😍
It took me a bit of time to come up with the Metaphor of the train :) Like all the Metaphors it is imperfect as it suggests we could have seen it coming (which is of course not always the case) but I wanted to visualize a certain element of threat and the possibility to face change while still staying in the comfort zone and why not the zone of excellence