This article is a collaboration with Dr Clare Becket Mc Inroy (MCC).
Today, we wanted to talk about Signature Presence, a Coaching Concept that is very central to the Coaching Profession and that is unfortunately not so known in the context of leadership.
Enjoy :)

I would love if you feel brave enough to post your reflections on Signature Presence in comment :)
Before we get into the technicalities of making a signature, the psychological aspect that lies behind this needs to be understood. Your signature is much more than just scrawling something on paper — it says something about your personality, confidence, and even your mood as you sign. Psychologists say that a person’s handwritten signature is one way of self-expression and might tell a lot about their subconscious mind.
That is a wonderful explanation -- funny, informative, helpful.
Thank you for another great article. It's really inspiring and making me reflect on more consciousness towards my own Signature Presence (or Trademark Presence). However, I do feel a pinch in my gut getting to 'stuck' in a signature. I've always strived for a "mind like water"-approach towards coaching/facilitating, trying to be whatever is needed from the individual context or person. Having said that, I do realise one can lose one self, while trying to be a Jack of all trades... Thank you for the reflection-starter 🙂